February Discussion of Begin Again by Emma Lord
7th - 12th graders, register to join our February book club!
As usual, Andie Rose has a plan: Transfer from community college to the hyper competitive Blue Ridge State, major in psychology, and maintain her lifelong goal of becoming an iconic self-help figure despite the nerves that have recently thrown her for a loop. All it will take is ruthless organization, hard work, and her trademark unrelenting enthusiasm to pull it all together.
But the moment Andie arrives, the rest of her plans go off the rails. Her rocky relationship with her boyfriend Connor only gets more complicated when she discovers he transferred out of Blue Ridge to her community college. Her roommate Shay needs a major, and despite Andie’s impressive track record of being The Fixer, she’s stumped on how to help. And Milo, her coffee-guzzling grump of an R.A. with seafoam green eyes, is somehow disrupting all her ideas about love and relationships one sleep-deprived wisecrack at a time.
But sometimes, when all your plans are in rubble at your feet, you find out what you’re made of. And when Andie starts to find the power of her voice as the anonymous Squire on the school’s legendary pirate radio station–the same one her mom founded, years before she passed away–Andie learns that not all the best laid plans are necessarily the right ones.
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The first 15 participants to register will receive a free copy of the book, generously purchased by the Friends of the Library. Additional copies are available for checkeut at BPL and on the Libby app. Questions? Email Anna Sharon, Teen Services Librarian at asharon@bentonvillear.com
Bentonville Public Library is located just 3 blocks south of the Downtown Square, at 405 S. Main Street in Bentonville, Arkansas. Facility amenities include an engaging adult collection with private study rooms, vibrant children's and teen spaces, community meeting rooms, genealogy research center and café.